Our school proudly supports the governments 'EveryDay Counts' initiative and is firmly committed to improving student attendance at school.
School hours
First bell - 8.20 am (students assemble in their year level areas ready to be collected by class teachers)
School starts - 8.30 am
First break - 10.30 am - 11.10 am
Second break - 1.10 pm - 1.50 pm
School finishes - 2.40 pm
Before school supervision is provided from 8:10am. Children arriving prior to this time should be enrolled in the YMCA outside school hours care program on Keogh Street.
Office hours
8.00 am to 3.00 pm (Outside of these hours you may leave a message on the answering machine).
Regular attendance at school is essential so that children can maximise the programs available. If there is a change in the child’s routine that will affect his/her attendance at school, please notify the staff.
Please ensure that your child is on time to school as lateness can stress young children and can disrupt the program that has already begun.
Once children arrive at school they will not be allowed to leave the school grounds unless parental permission has been obtained. This permission will usually be in the form of a written note signed and dated by the parent or caregiver. Children should not arrive at school before 8.10 am and should depart as quickly as possible after the completion of school. From time to time circumstances may cause exceptions to this rule.
It is the school’s legal responsibility to ensure that student absences are accounted for and valid. From time to time a student might be absent from their educational program.
Parents must comply with their compulsory schooling or compulsory participation obligation by providing a satisfactory reason for these absences. Absences for which a satisfactory reason has been provided are considered as explained absences, and an absence for which a satisfactory reason has not been provided is considered as an unexplained absence. Processes are implemented when an unexplained absence persists for more than three (3) consecutive school days.
All absences must be followed up with a written letter of explanation to the class teacher for our school files or are notified to the school office by telephone on the day or prior to the day/s absent.