


​​​​​What is the P&C?

The Parents and Citizens Association – known fondly as the P&C – is a voluntary, not-for-profit, organisation affiliated directly with the school.  It represents adults from the community, especially the parents and guardians of students at the school.

As per the P&C constitution, which is approved and ratified by the DET Regional Executive Director, its object is to “Promote the interests, and facilitate the development and further improvement, of the school”.

How does the P&C do this?

The P&C helps foster the general community interest in educational matters at the school, and brings closer co-operation between the parents, community members, staff and students. It also participates in assisting the school help implement projects through its voluntary resources. The P&C also provides supplemental income to the school through its fundraising efforts and through donations, sponsorships and various grants. 

What is the P&C’s structure?

Like any volunteer organisation that you would familiar with, the P&C has a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair people for sub-committees. The Principal is also a member of the P&C.

The P&C sub-committees have been formed so that the P&C can deliver on those commitments above. The current sub-committees including the Swimming Club. 

The P&C conducts monthly general meetings (usually the second Monday of each month) from 6.30 to approximately 8pm. These alternate between a face-to-face meeting in the school library or via Microsoft Teams. The meeting dates for 2024 are 12 February, 11 March (AGM 6pm start), 13 May, 10 June, 15 July, 12 August, 9 September, 14 October & 11 November.

At these meetings  important issues are put forward, discussed, and then voted upon. Your attendance is always worthwhile.  The funds raised by the P&C goes straight back into improving the school, including classroom refits, books for the library, musical instruments, upgrading the playgrounds and more. The P&C makes a huge difference to help improve the school, and it all depends upon volunteers from the community, both from school and the Sandgate region.  To become a member of the P&C fill out the membership form​​ and lodge it at a General Meeting.  All members must abide by the P and C Code Of Conduct​.

2023-2024 P&C Executive:

President:          ​Diana Hare
Vice President:  Currently Vacant​
Secretary:           Maya Marwat
Treasurer:           Thiviya Karunakaran

For any enquiries please contact the P&C.


The Parent Talk magazine is a parent focused publication and published on a quarterly basis. It is circulated throughout Queensland state schools and P&Cs as a resource to provide parents and school communities with regular news and information on a wide range of topics relevant to parenting and education. Research confirms that where parents and community are engaged in their children’s education the outcomes vastly increase. Help us ensure Every Child has Every Chance to a successful education.  All editions of Parent Talk can be viewed here ​ - P&Cs Qld Parent Talk Publication.


Last reviewed 01 March 2024
Last updated 01 March 2024